The Follow Your Joy Project

The blog that centres around nutrition, strength training, emotional literacy and mindset. Reminding you that what you eat and how you think can change not just the look and feel of your body: it literally changes how your brain works. Why wouldn't you want to tap into that so you can follow your joy and continue being the awesome human you are?

What you learn is important. What you tell yourself matters most.

5 Fascinating Facts About Body Fat

body fat feel good mindset May 23, 2023

Body fat often gets a bad rap but did you know it plays a crucial role in our overall health? Understanding some surprising facts about body fat can help us appreciate its importance. So, buckle up as we dive into five intriguing facts that might just change the way you think about this misunderstood aspect of our bodies.

Fact 1: Body Fat is Your Energy Backup

Do you know what body fat is? I often ask people this question in my line of work and the response more often than not is a shake of the head. People are surprised when I tell them simply that body fat is just stored energy: your personal energy stash!

Whenever you consume more calories than you burn, that excess energy gets stored in fat cells for later use. It's your backup plan during times of food scarcity or intense physical activity when your body needs that extra fuel. Without body fat, well, let's just say it would be tough to keep up your energy levels and perform everyday tasks. So, maintaining a healthy amount of body fat is crucial to keep you going strong.

Fact 2: Body Fat is a Hormone Maestro 

Did you know that body fat is quite the hormonal maestro? It produces hormones like leptin, adiponectin, and estrogen, which have a hand in various bodily functions. These hormones help regulate your appetite, keep your insulin sensitivity in check, and even influence your reproductive health.

If your body fat levels go haywire, it can mess up these hormonal signals, potentially causing health issues. That's why maintaining a healthy percentage of body fat is key to keeping those hormones in harmony.

Fact 3: Not All Body Fat is Created Equal 

Not all body fat is created equal. You've got subcutaneous fat, which is the fat just beneath your skin, and then there's visceral fat, the fat surrounding your internal organs. Too much visceral fat can be trouble, as it's linked to inflammation, insulin resistance, and a higher risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and type 2 diabetes. That's why it's important to keep an eye on your visceral fat levels and embrace a healthy lifestyle to keep them in check.

Fact 4: Body Fat is Your Organs' Bodyguard 

Did you know that body fat doubles as a bodyguard for your vital organs? It acts as a protective cushion, reducing the risk of injury from external forces. Think of it as a natural shock absorber. Plus, body fat provides insulation, helping you maintain a cozy body temperature. While too much body fat isn't ideal, a healthy amount is essential for safeguarding your organs and keeping your body running smoothly.


Fact 5: Weight Loss ≠ Fat Loss 

Hey, here's a reality check: losing weight doesn't necessarily mean losing body fat. When you shed pounds, it could be a combination of fat, muscle, and water weight.

To truly prioritise your health, it's essential to aim for fat loss rather than obsessing over the number on the scale. Sustainable weight loss involves adopting healthy habits that promote fat loss while preserving your precious muscle mass. Remember, it's about loving your body, not about a number on a scale.

Now that you've uncovered these fascinating facts about body fat, it's time to appreciate its significance in a whole new light.

Even if you just take one thing away from this blog post, let it simply be that when it comes to body fat, we don't simply lose it; we actually USE it. 

If you're seeking guidance and support on your journey to use up more body fat and embrace a healthier lifestyle, I'm here for you. Reach out today and book your free discovery call to find out if personalised fitness and nutrition coaching is right for you. Let's embark on this exciting transformation together!


Love, Susan.x


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